Farm Bill 2020

What is Farm Bill 2020

First of all what is Farm Bill 2020?

The three farm bills passed by the parliament are:

  1. Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill
  2. Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce Bill
  3. Farmers Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill

PROS and CONS of the bill are given below. In the video, learn why some farmers are protesting against it. Farmers in Punjab and Haryana have been protesting against three bills:-

  1.  The Farmers Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill 2020.
  2. The Farming Produce Trade and Commerce Bill, 2020.
  3. The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill, 2020.
Goto TOP of the page. Please don’t come to a conclusion without checking the PROS and CONS of the bill.

PROS of new farm bills:

  1. Farmers will have a choice to sell their produce to anyone without APMC getting in the way.
  2. Monopoly of APMC will be destroyed.
  3. The changes proposed will take out the middlemen who essentially run APMC.
  4. Payment will be made to farmers in three days.

CONS of new farm bills:

  1. Farmers will be at the mercy of big corporations during dealings. If at all MSP is abolished, farmers will lose the bargaining chip and a last-ditch sale option they’ve always had.
  2. Critics of the farm bills say there is not much government regulatory oversight in the new provisions.
  3. There are still doubts over the way the government can comprehensively intervene in case farmers get cheated from private buyers.
  4. Examples across the globe shows that when farmers were exposed to market forces, their incomes decreased rather than increased.

Useful links:

Farm bill 2020 mith vs facts

Smriti Irani Lauds Failure Of Bharat Bandh

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