Suklam Baradaram Sloka
First of all, In this page you will find Suklam Baradaram sloka meaning. This is the first basic sloka. What ever start, we will start with this sloka. In other words, every one should learn this.
This sloka is used to prayer to Lord Ganesha, also called as “Vighneshwara“, means “removes the Obstacles“. This is a Sloka praying to remove the obstacles on our path.
ShuklaAmbara Dharam Vishnum Shashi Varnam Chatur Bhujam |
Prasanna Vadanam Dhyaayet Sarva Vighnopashaantaye ||
O Lord, who is wearing White colored clothes, Who is all pervading, who has four hands,
Who has a peaceful, joyous face we meditate on you, remove all the obstacles.
Agajanana Padmarkam Gajananam-Aharnisham |
Anekadam Tam Bhaktanam Ekadantam Upasmahe ||
O Lord with the Elephant face seeing whom the face of Mother Parvati lights up just like a beautiful Lotus opens up after seeing sun,
I meditate on you Day & Night, bless us O Single Tusked Lord, giver of boons in plenty.
Suklam Baradaram sloka in Telugu

Suklam Baradharam Sloka with meaning
Shuklaambara Dharam Vishnum
Shashi Varnam Chatur Bhujam |
Prasanna Vadanam Dhyaayet
Sarva Vighna Upashaanthaye ||
Meaning: We meditate on Lord Ganesha – who is clad in white (representing purity), who is all pervading (present everywhere), whose complexion is gray like that of ash (glowing with spiritual splendor), who has four arms, who has bright countenance (depicting inner calm and happiness) and who can destroy all obstacles (in our spiritual and worldly path).
This is a prayer to Lord Ganesha, who is also called “Vighneshwara”, Conqueror of Obstacles. This is a Stotra in praise of him, praying to remove the obstacles on our path.
For more slokas, please visit Nitya Slokas page. For more information about Lord Ganesh and Songs -> here
Suklam Baradaram sloka meaning
Shuklambaradharam vishnum shashi warnam chaturbuhjam
Prasanna wadanam dhyayet sarva wighnopashantaye
Agajanana padmarkam gajananam aharnisham
Anekadantam bhaktanam ekadantam oopasmahe
Sloka and meaning
शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम् ।
प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ॥
Sukla-Ambara-Dharam Vissnnum Shashi-Varnnam Catur-Bhujam |
Prasanna-Vadanam Dhyaayet Sarva-Vighno[a-U]pashaantaye ||
Who is Wearing White Clothes, Who is All-Pervading, Who is Bright in Appearance like the Moon and Who is Having Four Hands,
Who is Having a Compassionate and Gracious Face, Let us Meditate on Him To Ward of all Obstacles.
Shuklambaradaram Vishnum Slokam is a prayer to Lord Ganesha. He is also known as “Vighneshwara”, Conqueror of Obstacles. This hymn or Stotra sings his praises and requests him to remove the obstacles in the devotee’s path.