Kathalu inTelugu

First of all why we have to Stop reading Dengudu Kathalu. Dengudu Kathalu available in print magazines, but is mainly consumed using the internet. This consumption is increasing with the increased prevalence of smartphones and the internet. Despite the increased access, public discourse and attitudes on pornography remain muted and a taboo in many parts of World. Publishing pornographic material is illegal in some countries.

Stop reading Kathalu

Watching too much p*rn*graphy can kill your s*x drive. Addictive porn consumers start finding masturbation more satisfying than actual s*x. They then get aroused only through pornography. Real s*x may not arouse them. This can jeopardize their s*x life and lead to dysfunction of common phenomenon like nightfall.

Kathala impact on Brain

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The common beleef is that spiritual gurus should abstain from sex and practice celibacy. However, It is the well known teaching. In other words, the expected normal behaviour from Hindus who practice spirituality for peace, self-purification or liberation.

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