According to Sadhguru: Shiva is not known as a god, but as the Adiyogi or the first yogi – the originator of yoga. He was the one who first put this seed into the human mind.
Who is Shiva ?
Shiva refers to both “that which is not,” and Adiyogi because in many ways they are synonymous. Explore the stories and legends that surround this most prominent figure of Indian spiritual traditions.
When we say “ Shiva ,” there are two fundamental aspects that we are referring to. The word “Shiva” means literally, “that which is not.”
Is SHIVA and Adi Yogi are the same ?
On another level, when we say “Shiva,” we are referring to a certain yogi, the Adiyogi or the first yogi, and also the Adi Guru, the first Guru, who is the basis of what we know as the yogic science today. Yoga does not mean standing on your head or holding your breath. Yoga is the science and technology to know the essential nature of how this life is created and how it can be taken to its ultimate possibility.
What people think about SHIVA ?
According to Youtuber @NandoTVSelbsterkenntnis – Shiva is a 9 metres high super human being far beyond human underatanding of enlightenment, who formed mankind about 300.000 years ago and participated in giving positive genes to us, while thr first mankind still was active (we are the fifth one). Later on, 12.000 years ago the wise ones before the rishis (10k – 9k years ago) made him a symbol of the principle of absolute transcendence.
Another Youtuber @tribalinknews says- “Shiva is the Supreme Soul…Shiva is the Seed of Human World Tree…the Point of Light and Benefactor.Shiva can not be Adiyogi….Shiva is God supreme…who we worship.”
About Aadi Yogi in Sadhguru words
Why we have to chant "Aum Namah Shivaya"
Aum Namah Shivaya is a mantra that purifies the system and helps one become meditative. Sadhguru looks at what it means to chant this mantra and speaks about why it is not to be chanted as Om Namah Shivaya but as Aum Namah Shivaya.