Why we should not put money in temple Hundi ?

Have you ever think, why people put money in Temple Hundi ?
When you go to any temple, do you have doubts whether to put money in the hundi or not?
When we all go to the temple, we put money in the hundi to the best of our ability. Have you ever wondered how the gifts you made were useful to the temple?
More than 18% of the revenue from each temple under the Revenue Department goes to the government in the form of tax. I mean it’s kind of a religious tax.
You read the history of the Mughals in school as a child. The history of Aurangzeb must be read in it. At the time of Aurangzeb’s conversions, he was the one who imposed the highest tax on non-Muslims. Its name is “Jizya” tax. All non-Muslims are obliged to pay taxes from their places of worship. Those who do not pay taxes should become Muslims. As a result, many converted to Islam.
That is what the current state governments are doing.
Temples In Ancient The Time:
In ancient times, the kings who ruled the kingdoms provided money for the temple. Provides funding for temple maintenance, staff salaries, and other needs. Some land was also allotted for this purpose. They took all the necessary steps for the maintenance of the temples. But never looked for income from the temple. Did not interfere in the management of the temple. The entire management of the temple was under the control of charitable organizations.
But, the current situation is not like that. Governments are running on revenue from the temple. And, the government is in charge of the management of the temple! Governments are giving temple management positions to the politically unemployed belonging to their party and appeasing them.
This policy needs to change. Until then, think before you put your gifts in the hundi when you go to the temple. If the same money is donated to the poor at least the virtue comes. Because human service is Madhava service. It is better to support the poor than to feed corrupt political parties.
In my view, do not put money in the temple hundi which is under the purview of the revenue department. Give the same money to the poor or donate to inns. Use it for things that are good for the community.
Sai Deepak briefly explains in the above video. Who is this speaker? Want to know more about him…..Click here.
First we have to free our temples from politics. Here is a team of people fighting for it. They are well educated and responsible citizens of India. Please, check the Organization website for more information.
Here is one more article, Demand to free temples from government control. Navtan Kumar explained why “If churches and mosques are not under government control, why only temples?”